Tuesday, February 5, 2013

this and that

changes just keep happening in my life! Last week we turned the restaurant over to ralph's daughter Caty. Caty has worked here since day one and she was going to get it eventually but in our "what are we going to do when we grow up" search we decided that we loved working in a pizza restaurant but we did not enjoy running one.  We decided to close zippys down and direct our efforts elsewhere (remember the make stuff and sell it plan... become hippy's and live in the woods?) Caty didn't want us to close it, she wanted to keep it open. I know she can run  it so for a long term buy out she is "buying" the restaurant from us. Ok... so here is the really cool thing. The deal is we had to work for her for 6 months at least so now i just WORK at a pizza restaurant for 8 bucks an hour (dont tell her but i think doing this i got a raise! lol just kidding)

What this has done though is instead of working 12 hour days (she is now doing that) i only work 6 hrs 6 days a week and that leaves lots of time to make stuff!!! Now if we could all get over the flu and winter colds, i would have more time! Because of the crud, it seems all my spare time is spent here....

lol my bed looked so nice after i made it the other day i took a picture. I love the quilt  "lonesome dove" when its on the bed. The sweet girl is emmajean. She is about 100 years old  (but that is really her bed that she allows us to sleep in!) Pillow cases are vintage dark blue gingham. the embroidered pillow is from ikea.

As far as sewing... i have mostly been puttering. I am organizing and finding homes for everything in my "new" sewing room. Ok, i just need to confess that i will NEVER have that much fabric organized, i just keep moving it from one side of the room to the other, but there has been SOME improvement..

My holy scrap batman quilt.... I now have a desk drawer with my tiny bits in them and while i was making that move, i made a few more 6" square blocks. I am not sure how to keep this drawer under control. I really have trouble throwing even the littlist bit away, but these blocks are time consuming since most scraps are smaller than 1 1/2 inches! I do think i will have to do a "dump" of some sort every once in a while to keep it under control. Maybe after every quilt, just dump what i didn't use@!

on the other hand they are fun and mindless to make. I think i need 28 more to finish the quilt so it will be a while! This one is going to be a gift for a friend. I plan on making a throw.

Table toppers and table runners. I have been playing with my vintage sheet scraps, namely the 2 1/2 in square pile. Seems like i have alot of those! I have made three table toppers out of it and im working on a runner.

This cute little table topper i have decided to keep. When i get home today im going to pick some paper whites that are blooming in the backyard, getting a mason jar and put it in the center. aww wee (how sweet). as my adorable grand daughter alyssa would say. (its only adorable with a childs southern accent, just sounds silly when i say it... but she says aww wee all the time)

And yes, i am always the last to jump on to a fad. The scrappy trips around the world, i have loved them and just wasn't sure where my 2 1/2" strips were. I found them last weekend and looking them over i think i am going to make 2 trips... one brightly scrappy colored (with the red stripe down the middle to tie them together) and an all blue trip. Im not sure what i will do with either of them but i definitely have enough scraps to make the trips! lol.

The plus quilt. Wow. Once you get going on it it flys together. I am doing 25 rows and i only have 8 left to put on. I have not taken a picture of the plus quilt in progress because its scrappy but honestly it is ugly. It is by far the ugliest quilt i have made but im sticking with it because at the same time i love it because of all the different fabrics in it and what they represent. So, im sure by my next post i will have a picture of the completed top. But im warning you, its ugly! 

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