Monday, May 23, 2011

progress on several!

I almost finsihed one of the baby quilts today! lol.. i dont have pictures though! I will have more in a day or so.

I do have pictures of some progress on others though!

This is "Daddys Lil Girl" It is for the grandbaby that is due in august. The finish for another grandbaby due (that i dont have pictures of) is the same pattern but its called "Mamma's Lil Cowboy" and is in red, blue and yellow. I am in love with both of them and cant wait to finish them. Although I finished the girl flimsy before the boy, i had to hurry up and finish the boy because he is due in 3 weeks!


This is for Bridgette. She is the mamma of the baby boy on the way. It is a postage stamp and the solid squares are this yellow soft cotton that i love. Its a sunny quilt! I have one more row, then the borders and I can start quilting it.

Last but not least... this is the one that it will be a miracle if i finish. The 9 patches are made up of 1 1/2 inch squares. I have several more rows before it is bed size, then a border then quilting. I was going to give it to someone else but when Caty, (the other pregnant mamma) saw it, she fell in love, when she was a girl her grandmother (my sweetie's mother) taught her how to sew by teaching her 9 patch blocks.

ok... dont have the pic of the other one, will have to post it tomorrow~!

Thats what i have going right now, ive got several im cutting out (i hate cutting for long periods of time, so i cut a little every morning)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bloggers Quilt Festival - Spring 2011

I have decided to participate in the Bloggers Quilt Festival - Spring 2011. I am a new quilter (well, a new quilter in the respect that I have just started finishing what i start!) What a cool thing to include my work with hundreds of other quilters. Sometimes it seems like I'm the only one in the world that quilts because I never get to spend face time with people who quilt. (There is a quilting group here but they meet during the day when i work) I'm thankful for the blog quilting community so that i can learn and grow as a quilter, and not feel so alone!

I am sharing the quilts that took me 5 years to finish. I started them because i was applying to be a foster parent and they were going to be the quilts in my "girls" room. That plan never happened because the state of Texas never got around to approving me (although i passed all of my classes and home study.) Eventually, the quilts sat in a box and kinda felt like broken dreams. I cant have kids, and i really felt that foster parenting was God's plan for me. Well... 4 years later, I have found out that he had a different plan. I now am about to marry someone with 9 grandchildren and 2 more on the way! I get to be Mimi to a whole mess of children, and although they wont be a part of me, they will be "mine" to cherish!

I am making quilts for all of them. The two quilts i started years ago I have now finished and they are going to the twin granddaughters. The fronts are almost identical, the backs are different and I quilted them differently. I used fabric I had on hand, scraps of shirts, fabric I bought at a yard sale or were given to me... they are truly scrap quilts in that respect. A few of the blocks are from one of their great grand mothers shirts, that they never got to meet.

They are the 2nd and 3rd quilts that have finished. I machine quilted them and I think that is what I learned most from making them, the process of sandwiching and pin basting, then machine quilting. By the end of the 2nd quilt, I think I can do a half way respectable job! They were also part of a "finishing" trend. I used to get to a point that i wasn't that confident at and stop, meaning I have several starts to quilts that I may someday revisit. On these I was able to push through the lack of confidence and finish them, I am sure I will continue to do that!

Be sure to visit all of the other quilts in the Bloggers Quilt Festival!